Lutung Kasarung Folklore from West Java

    PRABU Tapa Agung was an old king. He had two daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. Prabu Tapa Agung planned to retire as a king. He wanted Purbasari to replace him as the leader of the kingdom. Hearing this, Purbararang was angry.

“You cannot ask her to be the queen, Father. I’m older than she is. It’s supposed to be me, not her!” said Purbararang. But the king still chose Purbasari to be the next queen.

Purbararang then set a bad plan with her fiance, Indrajaya. Together they went to a witch and asked her to put a spell on Purbasari. Later, Purbasari had bad skin. There were black dots all over her body.

“You are not as beautiful as I am. You cannot be the queen. Instead, you have to leave this palace and stay in a jungle,” said Purbararang.

Purbasari was very sad. Now she had to stay in the jungle. Everyday she spent her time playing with some animals there. There was one monkey that always tried to cheer her up. It was not just an ordinary monkey, he had magical power. And he also could talk with humans. The monkey’s name was Lutung Kasarung. He was actually a god. His name was Sanghyang Gurumina. Lutung Kasarung planned to help Purbasari. He made a small lake and asked her to take a bath there. Amazingly, her bad skin was cured. Now she got her beautiful skin back.

After that, she asked Lutung Kasarung to accompany her to go back to the palace. Purbararang was very shocked. She knew she had to come up with another bad idea. She then said, “Those who have longer hair will be the queen.”

The king then measured his daughters’ hair. Purbasari had longer hair. But Purbararang did not give up. “A queen must have a handsome husband. If my fiance is more handsome than yours, then I will be the queen,” said Purbararang.

Purbasari was sad. She knew Purbararang’s fiance, Indrajaya, was handsome. And she did not have a fiance yet. “Here is my fiancé, Indrajaya. Where is yours?” asked Purbararang. Lutung Kasarung came forward. Purbararang was laughing very hard. “Your fiance is a monkey, ha ha ha.”

Suddenly, Lutung Kasarung changed into a very a handsome man. He was even more handsome than Indrajaya. Purbasari then became the queen. She forgave Purbararang and her fiance and let them stay in the palace. ***

Making Paper from Woodchips

Making Paper from Woodchips

Do you have any paper in your bag? It may seem a silly question but do you know how to make (1) paper? What is paper made of? Right. And how about ‘wood chipping’? Have you ever heard about it? Well, wood chipping is a  process used to obtain pulp and paper product form (2) forest trees.


First of all,. the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the (3) mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cut them into small pieces called woodchips. The (4) woodchips  are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. Hmm, … at this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into the pulp by chemicals and heat. Oh, I almost forgot, the (5)  pulp is then bleached and the water content is removed. Finally, the pulp is rolled out to make paper.


Considering the complexity of making paper, let’s (6) appreciate any paper on our hands. Use it more effectively. Thank you for listening. Bye.

Tugas Kelompok Bahasa Indonesia Bab 2

Tugas Kelompok Bahasa Indonesia Bab 2


Nama Kelompok         :

  1. Andi Asti RianaSari Tumba(NPM:10612759)
  2. Theta Margaritifera(NPM:17612355)
  3. Yuvita(NPM:17612996)

Kelas       : 1SA01

Universitas Gunadarma 2012/2013


Latihan 2

  1. Dalam ragam ilmiah/formal, faktor kebahasaan apakah yang harus lebih dahulu dilakukan?
  2. Beri pendapat anda faktor-faktor non kebangsaan yang mendukung kelancaran pemakaian bahasa Indonesia pada lafal standar!
  3. Jelaskan peranan sikap keterbukaan dalam ragam bahasa lisan!
  4. Pada ragam lisan, pengucapan bunyi-bunyi bahasa yang kurang tepat dapat mengalihkan perhatian pendengaran. Jelaskan dan beri contohnya!
  5. Cari wacana yang membedakan pemanfaatan bahasa Indonesia pada tataran ilmiah, semi ilmiah dan non ilmiah!



Jawaban       :


  1. Faktor Kebahasaan
    faktor-faktor yang menyangkut masalah bahasa yang seharusnya dipenuhi pada waktu seseorang berbicara.
    a.Ketepatan Ucapan :mengucapkan bunyi-bunyi bahasa secara tepat
    b.Penempatan Tekanan, Nada, dan Durasi yang Sesuai:Kesesuaian tekanan, nada dan durasi merupakan daya tarik tersendiri dalam berbicara.
    c.Diksi atau Pilihan Kata:Pilihan kata hendaknya tepat, jelas, dan bervariasi. Jelas maksudnya mudah dimengerti oleh pendengar.
    d.Ketepatan Sasaran Pembicaraan:pemakaian kalimat yang efektif akan memudahkan pendengar memahami isi pembicaraan.
  2. Faktor-faktor Nonkebahasaan
    a.Sikap yang Wajar, Tenang, dan Tidak Kaku
    c.Menghargai Pendapat Orang Lain
    d.Gerak-gerik dan Mimik yang Tepat
    e.Kenyaringan Suara
    g.Relevansi atau Penalaran
    h.Penguasaan Topik Pembicaraan


  1. Adanya keterbukaan dalam bahasa lisan dapat meninbulkan bahasa yang komunikatif antara komunikan dan komunikator yaitu dengan cara  menempatkan tekanan, nada, dan durasi yang sesuai dengan pilihan kata yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan dimana pendengar mudah mengerti dan memahami isi pembicaraan.



  1. Berhubungan dengan “Ketepatan Ucapan” dimana Seorang pembicara harus membiasakan diri mengucapkan bunyi-bunyi bahasa secara tepat. Pengucapan bunyi yang kurang tepat atau cacat akan menimbulkan kebosanan, kurang menyenangkan, atau kurang menarik.pengucapan bunyi-bunyi bahasa yang dianggap cacat bisa mengalihkan perhatian pendengar.Sehingga tidak terjadi bahasa yang komunikatif dan efektif.
    Contohnya :

    1. berbicara dengan nada tinggi akan menimbulkan kesalahan persepsi orang lain karena dianggap sedang marah dan kesal.
    2. Terlalu banyak bicara membuat orang bingung sehingga orang cenderung tidak memperhatikan.


  1. Perbedaan yang membedakan wacana tataran Ilmiah, semi ilmiah, dan non ilmiah adalah, penggunaan ragam bahasa yang terikat pada kebakuan dari pemakaian bahasa itu sendiri. Sehingga kita bisa membedakan dari segi pengelompokan tulisan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pembicara atau penulis.


  1. wacana ilmiah : Sesuai dengan cirinya yang tertulis tadi, maka karya tulis ilmiah dapat berwujud dalam bentuk makalah (dalam seminar atau simposium), artikel, laporan praktikum, skripsi, tesis, dan disertasi, yang pada dasarnya kesemuanya itu merupakan produk dari kegiatan ilmuwan.


Contoh wacana ilmiah :



AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) adalah nama penyakit yang berarti sindroma dapatan penurunan kekebalan tubuh. Ada pula yang menyebutkan sebagai penyakit kurus karena penderitanya memang sangat kurus. Sebagai sindroma, gejala AIDS sangat banyak, antara lain diare lebih dari sebulan, demam lebih dari sebulan, dan menurunnya berat badan secara cepat. Dari ketiga gejala tersebut, yang terpenting adalah gejala menurunya berat badan. Tanda-tanda lain antara lain batuk lebih dari 2 minggu, pembengkalan kelenjar (di ketiak,leher,dan selangkangan), sakit kepala hebat dengan leher kaku, bengkak-bengkak cokelat tua yang cepat menyebar di kulit dan lain-lain.

AIDS disebabkan oleh virus yang hidup dalam darah dan cairan tubuh lainnya. Virus ini merusak system kekebalan tubuh sehingga tubuh tidak mampu lagi membentengi badan dari serangan berbagai penyakit. Setelah virus ini berada di dalam tubuh, ia bisa berada di sana bertahun-tahun sebelum mulai membuat orang itu sakit. Siapa saja bisa terkena AIDS, tidak peduli umur, suku, pekerjaan, maupun orientasi seksualnya, apabila seseorang pernah berhubungan seks dengan orang yang membawa virus AIDS, disuntik/menyuntik diri dengan jarum kotor, atau memperoleh transfuse darah yang terkontaminasi virus AIDS, maka ia juga dapat terkena AIDS. Begitu pula dengan bayi yang ibunya membawa virus AIDS.

Ada tiga cara penularan AIDS pada bayi yaitu ketika janin masih di dalam kandungan, pada saat dilahirkan yang penuh darah, dan melalui Air Susu Ibu. Meskipun begitu, tetap lebih baik menyusui dengan ASI daripada susu bubuk (baik karena kemungkinan tertulari AIDS secara matematis hanya 50%, maupun karena ASI mengandung banyak zat yang berguna bagi kekebalan bayi).

Dari semua kasus penderita AIDS yang berhasil sembuh, ada hal-hal penting yang bisa ditarik. Pertama, memang virus HIV sebagai penyebab utama, tapi juga bergantung pada kondisi fisik dan psikis masing-masing korban. Kedua, mereka yang berhasil lolos dari maut adalah mereka yang secara sadar mengubah gaya hidupnya menjadi lebih positif.


  1. wacana semi ilmiah          : Wacana pada Tataran Semi Ilmiah merupakan wacana yang karakteristiknya berada di antara ilmiah dan non ilmiah.

Contohnya wacana semi ilmiah :



PEMERINTAH pusat mulai membagi-bagikan permen yang mengandung racun. Inilah permen manis bagi pejabat yang menerima, tetapi racun karena mematikan daerah. Permen yang mengandung racun itu adalah Peraturan Pemerintah Nomomr 37 Tahun 2006 tentang Kedudukan Protokoler dan Keuangan Pimpinan Anggota Dewan. Isinya mengatur pendapatan pimpinan anggota DPRD, yang terdiri atas uang representasi, tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan beras, uang paket, tunjangan jabatan, tunjangan panitia musyawarah, tunjangan komunikasi, dan tunjangan panitia anggaran. Jika setiap anggota DPRD mendapat Rp 80 juta daerah harus mengeluarkan Rp 1,2 triliun. Sungguh uang yang luar biasa manis, sekaligus inilah racun yang paling mematikan daerah. Kenapa? Karena, biaya untuk gaji anggota DPRD itu lebih besar daripada pendapatan asli daerah. Betapa ironis, pendapatan asli daerah minus setelah membayar gaji DPRD.

Yang jelas, peraturan pemerintah itu semakin memperbesar jurang kaya dan miskin. Di tengah meningkatnya pengangguran, di tengah bertambahnya penduduk miskin yang mencapai 100 juta orang, ada segelintir elite anggota DPRD yang jumlahnya 15 ribu orang yang semakin kayak arena peraturan pemerintah itu.

Masih ada dampak negative lain, yaitu semakin maraknya pungutan daerah untuk menambah kas daerah. Berbagai pungutan itu diperlukan untuk menutupi deficit pendapatan asli daerah akibat membayar gaji anggota DPRD. Sudah pasti, peraturan pemerintah itu menambah bengkaknya anggaran negara yang digunakan untuk keperluan konsumtif. Padahal, tanpa adanya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 37 Tahun 2006 itu pun, proporsi pengeluaran rutin untuk keperluan konsumtif sudah lebih besar. Adalah menyedihkan bahwa yang bertambah bukan untuk keperluan pembangunan yang dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja dan mengentaskan rakyat dari kemiskinan.

Dengan adanya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 37 Tahun 2006 itu, bertambah kuat tanda-tanda negara ini agaknya sedang disetir menjadi surga hanya bagi kaum elite, yaitu elite legislative yang bernama wakil rakyat di daerah maupun di pusat. Soal waktu saja, keluar pula peraturan pemerintah yang pada gilirannya akan menyenangkan elite yang duduk di jajaran eksekutif dan yudikatif. Maka, sempurnalah negara ini menjadi negara yang manis bagi pejabat, tetapi racun bagi rakyat (Media Indonesia, 2007:1).

Selain itu, boleh percaya boleh tidak, anggota DPRD masih mendapat tunjangan kesejahteraan berupa pemberian jaminan pemeliharaan kesehatan, pakaian dinas, serta biaya akibat perjalanan dinas. Akibatnya, sebagai gambaran, pendapatan yang diterima ketua DPRD provinsi mencapai Rp 36,269 juta, jauh melebihi pendapatan yang diterima Ketua Mahkamah Agung (Rp 24,390 juta) dan Ketua Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (Rp 23,940 juta). Jaraknya semakin jauh bagaikan langit dan bumi, bila dibandingkan dengan pendapatan gubernur (Rp 8,4 juta), terlebih dibanding bupati (Rp 5,8 juta).

Permen itu semakin manis karena sekalipun Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 37 Tahun 2006 itu baru ditandatangani Presiden November lalu, tetapi dibuat berlaku mundur sejak 1 Januari 2006.


  1. Wacana non ilmiah :

Karangan nonilmiah adalah karangan yang menyajikan fakta pribadi tentang pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.


contohnya wacana nonilmiah:


Sebelas anak Melayu Belitong yang disebut Laskar Pelangi ini tak
menyerah walau keadaan tak bersimpati pada mereka. Sebut saja Lintang,
seorang kuli kopra cilik, yang genius dan dengan senang hati bersepeda 80
kilometer pulang pergi untuk memuaskan dahaganya akan ilmu-bahkan
terkadang hanya untuk menyanyikan lagu padamu negeri di akhir jam
sekolah. Atau Mahar, seorang pesuruh tukang parut kelapa sekaligus
seniman dadakan yang imajinatif, tak logis, kreatif, dan sering diremehkan
sahabat-sahabatnya, namun berhasil mengangkat derajat sekolah kampung
mereka dalam karnaval 17 Agustus.

Selami ironisnya kehidupan mereka, kejujuran pemikiran mereka,
indahnya petualangan mereka dan temukan diri anda tertawa, menangis,
dan tersentuh saat membaca setiap lembarnya. Novel ini dipersembahkan
buat mereka yang meyakini the magic of childhood memories dan
khususnya juga buat siapa saja yang masih percaya akan adanya pintu
keajaiban lain untuk mengubah dunia pendidikan. Di tengah upaya untuk
tetap mempertahankan sekolah, mereka kembali harus menghadapi
tantangan yang besar.







Technique of persuasion and motivating consument :

name of group :

  1. Andi Asti RianaSari Tumba( npm : 10612759)
  2. Carolina Yales Noviana(npm : 11612557)
  3. Siti Maysaroh(npm : 17612070)
  4. Theta Margaritifera(npm : 17612355)
  5. Yuvita(npm : 17612996)




  1. Stacking : list of reasons why the product or service is good.
    1. Head and shoulders


Used the research prove for interested the consumers for buy that product. From the research we know that hair can free from dandruf.



This advertisement tells that all dentists recommend the audience to use this toothbrush because the specialist dentist think that the tootbrush suitable for our mouth.

C.   Sunsilk and smooth shampo


This advertisement explains that Thomas Taw (from London) as a specialist of dry hair recommend the consumer to use this product based on his researched formulation that Sunsilk can make soft hair.

D. Sensodyne


All of dentists advice people to use toothpaste for solue the sensitive tooth.

2. Repetition : makes product or service familiar to consumer.

    1. Highlight motoGP sponsored by NGK, Advance, Yamaha, Oli Castrol, Oli Top 1

Gambar Gambar

To introduce the product to all of people through program in television, or the other interested people for used that product.

B. DBL sponsored by Pop Mie and Honda

Gambar Gambar

To introduce the product to people and to tell about friendship with the other school

C. Indonesia Mencari Bakat sponsored by Zee milk


To introduce the milk for all people and search talent of Indonesian people.

3. Slogan:  identifies product or service with an idea.

A. Anlene


This product give solution for keep health especially bone. And to avoid from osteoporosis.

B. Elite Spring Bed


This product give solution for keep your backbone problem and all of your healthy problem.

C. Tropicana Slim


This product advice the consumers to use this sugar to desire diabetes and keep your health

4. Logo:  identifies product or service with a symbol.

A. Sony Ericsson


Sony ericsson familiar to symbols like that and of course we know that is a mobile phone

B. Apple


With this people know that symbol refers to laptop, ipad, handphone (mobile phone). The symbol of apple is like that.

C. Walls


This symbol is familiar to consumers to buy this product and refers to ice cream. Exactly in hypermart or supermarket. It’s the symbol of walls

D. Puma


With this symbol we know that it’s refers to shoes, t-shirt, and watch. The symbol of puma is like that

5. Snob Appeal:  associates product or service with a personality or lifestyle.

A. Novel Chairul Tanjung


This advertisement tells about his life since he was child until he was old. he tells about his fighting. in the past, he is so poor. people called him cassava child. he has never given up, and always fighting.

B. Sophie Martin

this advertisement tells about living someone with her glamour used to luxurious product, such as peoples now . so much do like that

6. Cause and Effect :  use this product or service and your problems will disappear.

A. Nourish skin


Can remove black spots on skin, care and skin health from inside.

B. Olay Total effects


Word 7 sign of aging on the skin and provide care of skin health in order to avoid the problem of wrinkles even before the age of forty.

Get rid of blackheads in reguler use for to weeks and did not come back to make blackheads.

7. Emotional Appeal: uses emotion to sell a product or service (pity, fear, patriotism, happiness,etc.)

A. Indomie

Indomie advertising friend and soup flavours take a background settign in the are of paddy field by showing people that prove that indomie liked by all levels of society.

B. Kuku Bima Energi


Provide a sense of refreshing drinks at once evokes the spirit and passion that reflects the spirit of the Indonesian nation.

8. Price Appeal:  consumers will be getting something extra for less money.

A. Molto Extra Concentrate


Content of twenty percent more price stays the same.

B. Rinso


With only five hundred dollars you will get clothes cleaner and white only using  rinso

9. Testimonial :  someone endorses the product.

A. Happy Call Double Pan


Happy call is one tool that is supported by one of the artists capital is Happy Salma. One cookin appliance makes it easy to cook and construcing a more enjoyable cooking activities

B. Tje Fuk Skin Care Cosmetics


After using cosmetics tje Fuk regularly in two weeks to make the face clean and free of acne.

10.  Sex Appeal : the product will enhance you sexual attractiveness.

A. Pond’s white beauty


This advertisement tells about a woman used to this product for make a chemistry with her boyfriend

B. Close Up Paste

This advertisement tells about a man used to close up paste for make relationship with a woman

11. Bandwagon:  uses peer pressure to influence the consumer. If everyone else is doing it so should you.

A. Yamaha


Using a vehicle Yamaha riders getting in front of the other miss.

B. Sunlight Lime

If we don’t use sunlight kitchen equipment is not abrasive and doesn’t clean.Gambar

C. Wipol flooring cleanser

Because if we don’t wear wipol, the bathroom will be dirty.

12. Confusion :  gains the consumers attention by confusing them, and then retains the attention as the consumer tries to figure out the message.

A. Kitkat

Because these ads confuse.

B. Nano-nano Nougat

Because it makes consumers don’t understand the purpose of these ads.

14. Technical Jargon :  uses technical words to impress the consumer.

A.  Hilo Milk


Hilo milk consist more calcium tahn dairy products and low in the other weak.

B. Yakult


Milk that through the process of fermentation and contain bacteria that are good for the baby.

14. Transfer :  associates the product with words or ideas that may or may not be related to the product.  The association seeks to transfer certain qualities to the product.

A. Combantrin


Maintain hygiena by washing hands befoe eating.

B. Quaker Oat


Love your heart now by eating it.

15. Name Calling :  the advertiser compares its product or service to the competition in a way that is favorable to the advertiser.

A. Surf detergent

Detergent bleach clothes, proven two times more effective at removing stains than the other ditergen.

B. Sunlight

With one drop is able to clean all the fat on the plate.

C. Oral-B

Bristles are softer and can easilu reach salvation teeth than the other tooth paste.

16. Plain Folks:  the advertiser tries to identify its product with common people just like you.

A. Pilkita


Because this advertisement shows the price to identity this product with common people.

b. gerry mamamia lezatos

this advertisement shows about a family that have lunch with this product

17. Glittering Generality:  the viewer is given a general feeling about the product, but not much else.

A. Sunlight

It shows the product with glittering effect.

B. So klin twilight sensation

It uses the light as the product’s background. So, it seems like that the product is shiny and glitter

18. Avante garde : the suggestion that using this product puts the user ahead of the times.

A. Intel Core i7


Make our computer more artificial.

B. Android


Make our mobile phone more artificial

19. Facts and figures : statistics and objective factual information or used to prove the superiority the product.

A. Ponds

It uses figures for their for their product.

B. Canon EOS 650


It uses figures and objective for their model product.

20. Weasel words : are used to suggest a positive meaning without actually really making any guaranty.

A. Clean and clear


They uses soft-word as their advertisement to interest the consumer deem buy their product.

B. Ponds

They said that this product will make our face 10 year younger

21. Magic inggredients : the suggestion that some almost miracles discovery makes the product exceptionally effective.

A. Molto Ultra Sekali Bilas


Because this product can clean the foam from laundry soap in clothes just in once wash water.

B. Surf

Because this ads tells that this product can make a white clothes like a new clothes (Surf can lose the dull spot and can whiten an old white clothes).

22. Patriotism : the suggestion that purchasing this product shows your love of your country.

A. Tolak Angin


Because this product has been producing in Semarang, Indonesia and this product made from traditional herb.

B. Maspion


This ads is famous with expression “Cintailah produk-produk Indonesia”. Maspion is a local company since 1960 where Surabaya is a head company. Maspion has been producing household equipment electronic.

23. Bribery : seems to give a designrable extra something.

A. Conello


If we buy three, we will get one free conello by different sensation.

B. Happy call


If we buy three happy calls, we will get one free happy call.

24. Wit and humours : costumer are attracted the products that diverse the audience by giving viewers a reason to live (leaf) or to be entertainedby clever use visual oral languange.

A. Mentos

This ads teel about a women who is missing her boyfriend’s breath. Then her boyfriend send her breath in a bottle. When she open the bottle, suddenly the breath quit and the breath makes her performance (her hair, face) be untidy. And specially her mouth be wide. It makes this ads includes in wit and humour topic.

B. Snickers

A Japanese woman as a goalkeeper can not catch ball when the ball enter to goal. Then her friend gives her snickers. Suddenly she changes to a man and really change be a goalkeeper. The change from a sopple woman to a really man makes the ads includes as wit and humour topic.